Archive | February 2017

The Wall & Refugee Camps?

When considering that building the Wall between US and Mexico will cause the developing flood of refugees on the Mexican side of the border which could cause an increasing humanitarian crisis, those arguing for benefits based on passed misinterpretations or  misapplications of our constitutional laws on individual basis shouldnt be  automatically so precedent setting and the matter should be returned to the Supreme Court for re-evaluation..

While the Mexican govt may have to set up border region refugee type camps should be set up in a way to process the refugees to remain no longer than 5-7 days and then bus them back to places that they should either return to or relocated to, while processing them and for some, finding new locations for them. They have the same options of refusing entry to illegals at their southern border and have their own version of ICE that should be catching illegals down there or who sneak around by boat. They arrest those they catch and send them back, likewise so must we.

The drug  trade is also a big issue and despite Mexico not wanting the drug problem on their side, its up to them to stop the drug trade. Any help our country may give is to help but not our obligation nor responsibility.

Refugee camps dont have to be long term and shouldn’t be. They  should avoid long term stays , identify and process the refugees and then provide a travel bus network, that would be like an umbrella of sorts, that branches out to return citizens, [Mexicans] to their original counties where they resided at before trying to enter the US illegally~ or in some hardship cases be processed to go to be relocated to other counties in their own country, depending on their specific needs and their govt’s ability to cope with their relocation from one county to another.Simply not wanting them is no justification to keep pushing them northward to the US.

As for the non-Mexican refugees, they should be bused directly to receiving centers at their southern most border wall,  where they can be returned to the country below them and the next country could process them as well and repatriate their own citizens and send non-citizens on their way to their southern most border and then dealt with on the next country boundary in similar fashion, culling out the citizens of that country back to where they belong and again busing their non-citizens to their next southern most border to return the next country’s  citizens to their counties and so on til each refugee is returned to their native country and perhaps relocate within their own country as they should.

For those needing to leave their country for whatever reason they should apply for visas that would allow them to travel legally to another country that would receive them but the entire process needs to be done legally and each  nation is to remain responsible for their own citizens as its unfair and too burdensome to force other nations to support immigrants who for whatever reason cant make it in their own nation.

Not everything free in America ! While America is a land of opportunity and immigrants, it has been built by those who came and contributed, not by those who came to become dependent.Through out the years of our history, many came as indentured servants that worked like slaves for years before being able to afford to live the dream on their own. They did so because of their dreams of the future for themselves and their children.

Many European came and scrubbed floors and done menial servant tasks living in overcrowded circumstances to put their children through school and then to advance themselves.

Likewise many of African descent who were from African nations, either brought here through sales by the islamic & other native slave traders or children thereof, who chose to remain in the US after they were emancipated ~choosing not going to Liberia as was offered to them by our govt, or  those who emigrated here to try and achieve the American dream for themselves and their families, working tirelessly for generations, building lives they could be proud of as they learned and earned their way like those before them..

While its true that America is a land built by immigrants & their descendants including the Native American tribes and those  of African descent whose ancestors may have been slaves at some point in time, most  Immigrants came here LEGALLY.

Its not enough for some flag burning liberal who would abuse their privileges to insist on providing the dream to those not willing to come here legally or to work for it but act as though its a right to put at the expense of those who did.

The US Constitution has been under assault and some amendments or definitions have been stretched beyond their original intent and through those stretches some have insisted on citizenship for any born here, causing loophole citizenship benefits which are wrong and causes families to be split apart. What they call anchor babies or dreamers should NOT be called citizens! They are children of their parents and should be with them.If their parents are illegals and deported then their children should go with them!

Children born in America must be born to at least one legal citizen parent to become citizens themselves.Then there would be no question as to their eligibility.If the parent is eligible then the child would be as well and not the other way around. Thats common sense and how it is in most of the world and what the founding fathers would also have intended when they wrote the Constitution. Anything otherwise is twisted and wrong as it breaks up families.

Funneling refugees to safe places within their own countries is paramount to solving the global refugee problem. America can not be expected to continue shouldering the financial responsibilities of refugees from other nations.